Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Freaking February Already?! With some great sub windows to boot!

Wow. Back again. How's everyone? This year is going to be another odd one I fear and it's flying by fast as can be... But some of it's been good. I feel like the moment I wake up from another night's brief sleep, there's another great submission window opening! So I had to do another quick update to the lists here before I get back to working on my stories.

Over the course of January and the first days of February I have submitted to Deep Magic, Cossmass Infinities, Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, Mysterion, Fireside, Diabolical Plots, Fantasy & Science Fiction, One Story, Decoded, Departure Mirror, Uncanny Magazine, and Fantasy Magazine. So I am back into the swing of things, with the rejections already rolling in. I am hoping to snag at least a few more acceptances this year, and hopefully get one of my novels closer to the end of the years of revision.

News & Updates:

Added Cosmic Roots to the deadlines. They close in about two hours for this month but they open again next month as always.

I made several additions to the 5-20¢/word listing and the 1-4¢/word listing. Also note that the Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy is currently open to submissions for stories published in 2020: Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy, ~17499 words, Genre: any SF/Fantasy (Horror okay if includes spec element), Reprints ONLY, final selections made in March

The Arcanist just boosted their pay from 5 cents a word to 10 cents a word. They're open year-round for stories up to 1000 words (F/SF/H). You can find the listing under "Publications Open for Submissions with no Specified Deadline".

New windows from Lightspeed and Grimdark Magazine. I am especially excited about Grimdark Magazine's grimdark and horror special issue that will feature an interview with Paul Tremblay. Must submit a story to them as I have a couple pieces that especially enjoy the grimdark and horror approach.

Flame Tree flash contest has their latest prompts available via their newsletter. Added to the list.

One last note, I will aim to update this post with any changes or new/missing windows over the next two weeks and I will make another blog post with more info by the end of the month. Good luck with the writing, the subs, and life in general everybody. Ganbatte!

UPDATE (2/4/2021): The Common Tongue Magazine added to section #5 (grimdark/dark fantasy/sword&sorcery paying 3¢/word). Sci-Fi Lampoon added to Section #5 (humorous speculative fiction paid at $5). 

For the Mike Resnick Memorial Award for Short Fiction, the website is functioning without issue, so go check the site here for more info: resnick | Arc Manor Books

Table of Contents (not clickable; scroll down to each section for the clickable links)

1. Submission Deadlines/Windows from February 2021 and Beyond (5¢/word USD)

2. Publications Open for Submissions with No Specified Deadline (5-20¢/word USD)

3. Publications Known to be Currently Closed (5-20¢/word USD)

4. Submission Deadlines from February 2021 and Beyond (pay 1-4¢/word USD)

5. Publications Open for Submission (No Specified Deadline; pay 1-4¢/word USD)

6. Possiblities for Submission of Novels

7. Search for More Submission Windows

8. Get Motivated for the Submissions Game 

9. Great Advice Here

10. More Links Yay

1. Submission Deadlines/Windows from February 2021 and Beyond (5-20¢/word USD)

2/1-2/2 (closes midnight EST), Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, 1000-40,000 words, 6¢/word, Genre: Fantasy/SF, Note: request feedback in the submission comments

1/25-2/5, Fireside Magazine (for the Autumn 2021 Issue edited by Brandon O'Brien), ~3000 words, 12.5¢/word, Genre/Theme: any genre, Note: stories in English or Spanish

2/1-2/7, Fantasy Magazine, ~7500 words, 8¢/word, Genre: Fantasy/Dark Fantasy, Poetry ($40/poem, send up to 6)

2/1-2/7, Cossmass Infinities, 2000-10,000 words, 8¢/word, Genre: SF/F, Simultaneous OK, Note: this window is open to all authors

2/1-2/8, Lightspeed (BIPOC SF), 1500-10,000 words, 8¢/word, Genre: SF, Note: BIPOC SF only

2/8-2/15, Lightspeed (general SF), 1500-10,000 words, 8¢/word, Genre: SF, Note: SF only

2/16, Flame Tree (Monthly Flash Fiction Contest), 700-1000 words, 8¢/word, Submit one flash story to the Horror prompt of Fiery Hell OR one story to the SF prompt of Time Dilation, must subscribe to their newsletter, email subs to Newsletter Editor Molly Rosevear, molly@flametreepublishing.com w/ theme as subject heading and author details/bio at end of story

2/25, The Dread Machine's first annual anthology, 8¢/word, Genre/Theme: anything dread-inspiring set in the actual 1986 or alternate version, Multiple subs OK but no simultaneous

1/25-2/27, Grimdark Issue #27, ~4,000 words (reprints ~10,000 words), 8¢/word, Genre/Theme: must be grimdark SFF horror, email subs: submissions@grimdarkmagazine.com

2/27, It Gets Even Better: Stories of Queer Possibility, 15,000 words (under 7000 best), 8¢/word + pro-rata share of 50% royalties, Genre: any spec, Theme: posits queer affirmation and joy, Multiple OK (up to 3 submissions at a time but no simultaneous), Reprints OK (same rates as original)

10/31-2/28, We Cryptids, 3000-6000 (3000-4000=5¢/word), $200/story+royalties, Genre: urban fantasy, Theme: what would happen if cryptids lived among us (modern time period; should be written in 2020 or as close as possible), Tone: noblebright not grimdark or despairing, Simultaneous OK

1/1-2/28, Upon a Twice Time (Autumn 2021 anthology from air & nothingness press), 1000-3000 words, 8¢/word, Genre/Theme: Fairy Tales (Grimdark, New Weird, SF, Fantasy, Dying Earth, genre bending/breaking)/stories mashing up two fairy tales and a genre of the author's choice, Submit story to info@aanpress.com

12/15-3/1, Out There: Into the Queer New Yonder (Inkyard Press), 4000-8000 words, $900/story + royalties, Genre/Theme: queer YA stories set in the future by queer authors, Note: only trying to fill two slots from this open call

3/1-3/2 (closes midnight EST), Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, 1000-40,000 words, 6¢/word, Genre: Fantasy/SF, Note: request feedback in the submission comments

3/1-3/7, Fantasy Magazine, ~7500 words, 8¢/word, Genre: Fantasy/Dark Fantasy, Poetry ($40/poem, send up to 6)

3/1-3/7, Cossmass Infinities, 2000-10,000 words, 8¢/word, Genre: SF/F, Simultaneous OK, Note: this window is only open to Black, Asian, Latin, LGBTQ+ and other under-represented authors

3/1/-3/8, Lightspeed (BIPOC Fantasy), 1500-10,000 words, 8¢/word, Genre: Fantasy, BIPOC only

3/14-unknown, Nightmare Magazine, 1500-7500 words (up to 1000 words for Horror Labs subs), 8 cents/word ($40/poem), Genre: Horror/DarkFantasy, Multiple Subs: one short story and one sub to Horror Lab (either one flash, one creative essay, or five poems)

3/8-3/15, Lightspeed (Fantasy), 1500-10,000 words, 8¢/word, Genre: Fantasy

3/31, Misspelled – Magic Gone Awry, ~7000 words, $50/story (only 5¢/word if ~1000 word), Genre/Theme: "magic, a magic user, or a magical world where something unexpected happens or something goes horribly wrong" ("must include some sort of magic mishap, whether real or virtual"), Multiple OK (1/email; 3 subs total), Email subs to submissions@CursedDragonShip.com (standard short story format; subject “Submission for Misspelled (last name).”

3/31 (my best guess; could be earlier), Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy, ~17499 words, Genre: any SF/Fantasy (Horror okay if includes spec element), Reprints ONLY, final selections made in March

3/31-3/31 (only open for 24 hours on that date), Harlan Ellison's The Last Dangerous Visions, ~3500 words, Genre/Theme: "In the broadest sense, a DV story is one that pushes back the borders of storytelling, that is daring and smart and looks beyond the horizon, exploring issues of privacy, gender, politics, climate, technology, but most of all, the emotional core of our humanity.  DV stories are not about the thing, the McGuffin, the device, it's about us, about what William Faulkner called "the human heart in conflict with itself." Bold, provocative, humanistic. Stories that would have difficulty finding a berth in a conventional magazine. Beyond that, it's wide open," Note: editor will provide submission email address the day before the submission window opens, Editor: J. Michael Straczynski, also view the editor's Patreon page here 

3/15-4/1, Constelación Magazine, Original Fiction (~6400 words, 8¢/word), Genre: any speculative in either English or Spanish, Theme: Beyond the Stars (no further details available yet), Art (send link to portfolio for consideration, $1000 for rights)

4/1-4/2 (closes midnight EST), Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, 1000-40,000 words, 6¢/word, Genre: Fantasy/SF, Note: request feedback in the submission comments

1/1-4/15, Parsec Short Story Contest, 3500 words, 1st place $200 and publication, 2nd place $100, 3rd place $50, Genre/Theme: "Still Waters, Deep Thoughts" ("This can be conveyed in the setting, plot, characters, dialogue…the only limit is your imagination. The theme must be integral to the story in some way and not just mentioned in passing"), Note: a max of 2 submissions allowed; each should be subbed separately

1/1-4/30, Mike Resnick Memorial Award for Short Fiction, ~7499 words, 1st Place: trophy and $250 with publication at current rate, Four runner-ups: $25 and publication, All five finalists honored at ceremony, Note: award given to a new author who has not had any work published by any SFWA-eligible publishing venue (i.e. no work paid at 6¢/word or more or totaling more than $50), Email submissions to resnick@arcmanor.com, Note: finalists announced by 7/15

4/1-4/30, Uncanny Magazine (call for novellas), 17500-40000 words, 10¢/word, Genre: SF/F, Wants: "intricate, experimental stories and poems with gorgeous prose, verve, and imagination that elicit strong emotions and challenge beliefs. Uncanny believes there’s still plenty of room in the genre for tales that make you feel"

11/13-5/1, Cryptids Emerging: Tales of Dark Cheer (anthology from Improbable Press), 5¢/word, ~5000 words, Genre/Theme: contemporary supernatural or historical fantasy about cryptids "emerging" ("cryptids living with humans, or just at the edge of our vision," that are "rising, changing, growing"), Submit to Atlin Merrick at submissions@improbablepress.co.uk, Note: format 1.5 line spacing

1/15-5/31, One Story, 3k-8k words, $500/story, Genre: any literary, Simultaneous OK, also open to submissions 9/7-11/14

6/15-7/1, Constelación Magazine, Original Fiction (~6400 words, 8¢/word), Genre: any speculative in either English or Spanish, Theme: Love Needs No Translation (no further details available yet), Art (send link to portfolio for consideration, $1000 for rights)

8/10/2021-8/31/2021, PseudoPod (Flash Fiction Contest), ~1500 words (500-1000 best), 8¢/word, Genre: any horror, Reprints OK, Simultaneous OK (if not an Escape Artists podcast)

9/7-11/14, One Story, 3k-8k words, $500/story, Genre: any literary, Simultaneous OK, also open to submissions 1/15-5/31

2. Publications Open for Submissions with No Specified Deadline (5-20¢/word USD)

Analog Science Fiction and Fact, ~20k (8-10 cents/word), 40k-80k serials (6 cents/word), poetry ($1/line), 4k-word fact articles (9¢/word), Genre: SF, Multiple Yes

Anathema: Spec from the Margins, 1500-6k words (if 1500-2k words pays 5¢/word), $100 CAD/story ($50/poem), Genre: SF/F/H, Simultaneous OK, Poetry OK (under 100 lines, Non-Fiction OK (1500-3000 words), Limited demographic: queer/two-spirit person of colour/Indigenous/Aboriginal, Note on Genre/Theme: "We are open to any form of genre or speculative content. We talk about what we do as "SF/F/H, the weird, slipstream, surrealism, fabulism, and more," elsewhere on the site. But we are not limited to those genres. Use them as a starting point and send whatever you want: as long as it's got some kind of speculative content we'll consider it. And we are also interested in seeing work that has been difficult to place because of content or perspective."

Apex Magazine, ~7500 words, 8 cents/word, Genre: F/SF/Horror

3. Publications Known to be Currently Closed (5-20¢/word USD)


4. Submission Deadlines from February 2021 and Beyond (1-4¢/word USD)

2/1-2/15, Apparition Lit, ~1000 words, $30, Genre/Theme: speculative flash based on the historical figure provided in each monthly prompt, February Prompt: Mary Shadd Cary (writer, educator, lawyer, abolitionist; the first black woman in North America to publish a newspaper), Note: contest open every month 1st-15th with new prompt

2/28, Cosmic Horror Monthly, 1000-7500 words, 1 cent/word, Genre: Horror/Dark Fantasy, Submit to submissions@cosmic-horror.net, Reprints OK (half cent a word), Poetry OK (50 cents/line), Art OK ($20 for interior, $50 for cover)

1/1-2/28, NewMyths, ~10k words, 1.5¢/word w/ min $30, Genre: any speculative, Simultaneous OK, Also seeking: Poetry, Book Reviews, and Art; also open 6/1-7/31

2/28, Terrifying Tales, ~1000 words, $25 for winner, Genre/Theme: inspired by their art prompt provided and must contain a horror element, winner will be published with audio narration

3/31, Misspelled – Magic Gone Awry, ~7000 words, $50/story, Genre/Theme: "magic, a magic user, or a magical world where something unexpected happens or something goes horribly wrong" ("must include some sort of magic mishap, whether real or virtual"), Multiple OK (1/email; 3 subs total), Email subs to submissions@CursedDragonShip.com (standard short story format; subject “Submission for Misspelled (last name).”

1/22-4/1, Tales from the Magician's Skull (Goodman Games), ~10,000 words (6k might be best and flash is unlikely to work for them), 4¢/word, Genre/Theme: sword and sorcery

7/1-4/30, Timeless Tales, ~2000 words (less than 1500 preferred), $30/piece, Genre/Theme: Tales of the Arabian Nights (retellings of specific tales or original stories featuring creatures of Arabian/Islamic folklore), specify in cover letter whether original story or retelling and which story is being retold (avoid Aladdin), PG-13 but also enjoys dark side of tales, Poetry OK (send up to 3 pieces as long as 1500 words or less), Reprints OK

3/15-5/15, Lamplight Magazine, ~7000 words, 3¢/word, Genre: Dark/Literary, Reprints (1¢/word), simultaneous OK

3/28, Whetstone Magazine, 1500-2500 words, $10/story, Genre/Theme: pulp sword and sorcery (prefers secondary world settings)

5. Publications Open for Submission (No Specified Deadline; 1-4¢/word USD)

6. Possiblities for Submission of Novels (new section; to be expanded)

7. Search for More Submission Windows

Where to Submit Short Stories: 30 Magazines and Websites That Want Your Work, a decent list with a literary focus

28 Themed Submission Calls for August by S. Kalekar, submission possibilities including a few good ones I haven't had time to add to the lists above

Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity: plenty of updated lists of agents, calls for submission, contests, conferences, recipes, and more

8. Get Motivated for the Submissions Game 

Submitting Short Fiction: Science Fiction, Fantasy and Genre Edition by Holly Lyn Walrath, a useful guide on playing the submission game written in 2019

Submission Tetris: An Analytic Approach by Laurence Raphael Brothers, a brief but useful consideration of what and where to submit in the submissions game from SFWA

9. Great Advice Here

Wulf Moon's Super Secrets: a ton of great advice on writing short stories that win (he runs a workshop that you can peek in on and learn from as it goes)

Charlie Jane Anders' advice: chapters from her forthcoming non-fiction book Never Say You Can't Survive with new chapters released every Tuesday

Delilah S. Dawson's page of links, including her advice on how to get published

Cat Rambo's Website: lots of good resources and classes

10. More Links Yay

This is a listing of speculative award winners. Go read, study, and improve yourself.

Here are grants to apply for with the Speculative Literature Foundation

This is a listing at critter.org that shows general resp

Publisher's Pick Free Ebook of the Month (Maintained by Arc Manor of Galaxy's Edge fam