Author Publications


-  Her Humid Embrace Among Midnight Motors, a poem about the clinging nature of death and relationships and family set in Kanagawa, Japan back in 2005-2009 and finally available for your reading pleasure in Eye to the Telescope Issue 41: Death Issue 14, January 2024

The Healing Moment Assigned by HR Central Stacks, universe-traveling librarian just wants a long vacay with her wife but first must handle baggage from the past and tentacular patrons, DreamForge Anvil Issue 14, December 2023, read the story here and go read the entire issue here

Choose a Star to Mend the Heart, space narwhal and friendship, Tales and Feathers Magazine, November 2023, go read the story here

Memo from the Jolly Overlords, reprint (first time in physical print), a dark fantasy horror flash fiction about how brutal work is for the holiday elves, Cursed & Creepy (The Horror Lite Anthologies) by Angelique Fawns, November 2023, purchase a copy from Amazon

Puff a Golem Up for Drudgery, a fantasy short story about the application of golems among royalty and their overworked lasses and lads available in the anthology Triangulation: Seven-Day Weekend, July 2023 (order from Amazon)

Build Another Nest for Phantom Feathers, a near future SF/avian fantasy short story (loose sequel to Stoneshaper Tanukis Estranged), available in the Clamour and Mischief anthology, November 2022 (order from publisher or order from Amazon)

- Don't Trust Molters, an SF short story looking at a colony and its engagement with the local aliens, available in DreamForge Magazine (2022, Print Issue 10 at and Anvil Issue 8 at

- Stoneshaper Tanukis Estranged, a near future furry fantasy short story focused on tanukis and foxes struggling through parent-child estrangement, available in the anthology Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging - Volume Blue, December 2021 (order direct from publisher or order from Amazon)

- Memo from the Jolly Overlords, a dark fantasy horror flash fiction about how brutal work is for the holiday elves, published with audio narration in the Weird Christmas Podcast 2020 Flash Fiction Contest episode (December 2020,


- An odd, mixed-genre bird story in the Alternative Leadership anthology from B Cubed Press. Publication date unknown (I assume at some point in 2024).

- Another magazine I’m sharing TOC with my friend in is coming out November 2024

- And maybe more among the 80-130 pending submissions, or nudge me and I’ll get on top of getting my novel out to and agents and eventually published...


- Writers of the Future contest, semi-finalist, 2021 Q4

- University of Oregon Kidd Prize, 3rd place for fiction, 2005

Enjoy the stories!

Many more to come.
A bird at one with the branches and leaves of their nest.